
Emma Last has a range of signature talks that she is able to deliver.

Burnout, Recharge and Reboot - the foundations needed for 'being' a human in a modern world

Ask a computer geek to fix your computer and they’ll say “Have you rebooted it?” 

A flippant response? No, because rebooting a computer can solve many problems. 

You can recharge your computer or let it go into sleep mode, but this only works for so long.

Rebooting your computer regularly keeps it healthy, prevents problems with memory, connectivity, and speed, and ensures the system returns to high functioning.

But still not all of us do it. We are comfortable in the knowledge that we have the option of rebooting, even though there may be a point where we see the blue screen of death.

But what if we relate this to humans?

You’ll often hear the term ‘self-care’, fill your cup, put your own mask on first – the tools in our kit bag that serve us relatively well throughout life. This is good stuff and recharging helps us to be momentarily more resilient.

…But what happens when this is not enough? 

What if there is a different and much deeper, more profound way of thinking about our mental well-being which changes the way that we see and view our lives, bringing us to a place of choice and flourishing?

A Human Reboot!


Are You Passionate About Your Performance Or Dangerously Addicted To Your Work?

Have you got your emails on your phone and are drawn to check them when you’re not working?

Are you on hand for your works what’s app or similar, day, night or weekend?

Not just me then!

You see I’m a recovering work addict.

With passion and work addiction- the line between peak performance and burnout isn’t that far apart.

If you want to have continued high performance, it’s not just about being passionate about your work.  To have continued success it’s about having a deeper self-awareness and passion to look after ourselves.

Being a Human in Tomorrow's world - how can we be future ready leaders?

Whether we like it or not, the world is changing and with technology and AI it appears to be getting faster and faster. As humans, how can we prepare ourselves for it and continue to perform well in life?

 We seem to have to work longer and harder to stay at the top. Most of us are struggling to maintain the healthy balance we need to live a fulfilled life, and the digitalisation of our world means the pace is likely to continue to get faster.

  • How are we going to turn the rising tide of burnout?
  • How are we going to stop women from quitting their top jobs?
  • How are we going to reduce successful men contemplating suicide?
  • How do we avoid obsolescence?
  • How are Humans going to thrive?

Work Life Balance Isn't Just Two Things

 How do we nail managing our energy and time in our personal and professional lives?

Many people talk about work-life balance like it’s a set of scales that we can tip more or less one way or the other, with an aim for a person to keep their work and life separate and find some sort of equilibrium. I used to think this was how it was and in a previous world work was very boundaried and for most people a place that you went to – a physical location.

Now work is simply an activity that for many people is not a location. Work has seeped more and more into our homes – the world has changed.

However, I’d like to share a couple of other viewpoints that will show you how to evaluate your work-life balance regularly. And it’s Simple.

Leave A Little Legacy - It Might Just Help You to Live Longer

When I say the word legacy what do you automatically think?

An amount of money or property left to someone in a will?


The long-lasting impact of particular events, actions or collateral that were created in the past or in a persons life?

Both of these are accurate.

You might think in order to leave a legacy you need to be rich and famous but what I want totally to you about is how you can have a big impact on the world by doing the smallest of things.

There is a really strong link between purpose and legacy and having a purpose can help us to live longer. 

What’s the legacy that you want to leave?


To discuss your requirements or to book

Emma is a Mental Health Speaker and Strategist. She talks openly about her own high functioning anxiety since childhood and her burnout after her 19 year HR services leadership career.

She supports workplaces, school and individuals to put in place effective measurable mental health and wellbeing strategies that include training, talks, coaching and holistic therapies.

She is hugely driven to help people to understand both mental health problems and positive mental health, so they can develop effective life skills and look after their whole-being not just their wellbeing, thus preventing them from getting to where she did. 

She has co-written both the First Aid Industry Body’s accredited Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing for Adults and their Child and Young Persons Mental Health course. Three of her Programmes have been quality assured by the Department for Education to support schools in implementing ‘A whole school approach to mental health’.

Her business Progressive Minds was a finalist in the BIBA’s education establishment of the year in 2022.  She has a podcast ‘Human Reboot’ and is a twice no.1 best-selling author on Amazon.

Emma Can Also Talk About:

  • Anxiety – Top tips and why we shouldn’t avoid what we fear
  • Workplace mental health and wellbeing

  • Expectations of mental health and wellbeing in schools
  • Recovering from or preventing burnout
  • Why we should be teaching life skills in schools
  • Why should supervision be compulsory in schools
  • How to grow and thrive from adversity
  • Work-life balance
  • How leaving a legacy can help us to live longer

Tom Oxley – Director
Tedx Speaker

Emma has something to say. About burning bright, about burning out. About bouncing back better.  I really feel it’s time for a new story on mental health – as we enter a post-covid, hybrid-working, no-normal world. Emma’s experience, and her passionate story and easy style, is something we need to hear.

Marie Prendergast
Head of People

“Emma’s Human Reboot is one of my go-to podcasts.  I recommend Emma’s talks and podcasts all the time. I enjoy her informative relaxed style that never fails to provoke thoughts and reflection. Emma’s philosophy around rebooting is accessible to all and inspires deeper work that helps people in thinking differently about how they look after themselves.”

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